Wednesday, 16 March 2016


The Holy Synod of the Old Roman Catholic Church decided unanimously today, 15 March 2016, the defrocking, the laicization and the excommunication of the former Priests Demetrios Hadjistavrides from Athens - Greece- and Paolo Raccanelli (Italy) for the following reasons:

1. They revealed a secret being entrusted to him during Confession.
2. Despite repeated exhortations, they did not delivered to the Archdiocese, as he ought to, their documents so that their validity could be verified.
3. Despite repeated exhortations, they did not delivered to the Archdiocese, as they ought to, a complete curriculum vitae.
4. They falsely accused other clerics, who are members not only of our Church, but also of other denominations and thus, defaming them.
5. He had not been performing his duties as a Bishop for a long period of time and terminated without reason abruptly any form of communication and contact with the Archdiocese of Continental Europe.  

Because of the aforementioned reasons The Holy Synod of the Old Roman Catholic Church defrocks, laicizes and excommunicates them, stating that all Sacraments or any other rituals performed by
Demetrios Hadjistavrides from Athens - Greece- and Paolo Raccanelli from the 15th March 2016 and hereafter are ipso facto null and void.

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