Synodikon (Decree) of Anathema
-The Excommunication of Jerome Lloyd and Douglas
Unto his beloved Old Roman Catholic Sons dwelling in
Beloved Sons, Greeting and Apostolic Benediction.
In the pale of a grave and enduring scandal, it is
with the most profound grief of soul that We have learned that soidisant
Archbishops of the United Kingdom, namely Jerome Lloyd (a.k.a. Jeremy Cave)
and Douglas Lewins, seeking their own glory rather than that of Jesus Christ,
and being carried away by the fire of ambition and novelties, have denied
three fundamental dogmas of the Catholic Faith: The Immaculate Conception
(dogmatically defined by His Holiness Pope Pius IX in his papal bull
Ineffabilis Deus - December 8th 1854), Papal Infallibility ex cathedra in morals
and dogma (doctrine that was dogmatically defined during the First Vatican
Council (1869-1870) under the Pontificate of His Holiness Pope Pius IX),
and the Assumption of The Theotokos into Heavenly Glory (doctrine dogmatically
defined by His Holiness Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950 in the Apostolic
Constitution Munificentissimus Deus by exercising
Papal Infallibility).
The denial of the Infallibility of the Pope is indeed
very serious sin. About this dogma we must observe the sacred canons of
the First Ecumenical Council Vatican. When the Roman Pontiff speaks EX
CATHEDRA he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed
Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy
in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals. Therefore, such
definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent
of the Church, irreformable (Vatican I, 1869b, chap. 4, s. 9). So then,
should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of
ours: let him be anathema [condemned] (Vatican I, 1869b, chap. 4, s. 9,). In
addition, the above mentioned Archbishops deny that the Sacrament of Marriage,
is one of the Seven Catholic Sacraments (Holy Mysteries) entered into by
One man and One Woman, to the exclusion of all others.
When it comes to Catholics who are formally guilty of
heresy, apostasy or schism, the Church applies the penalty of
excommunication. The 1983 Code of Canon Law repeats in forma et in modo
the sanctions of the earlier 1917 Code. According to canon 1364 of the
Code of Canon Law of 1983, the heretic as well as the apostate from the
Faith and the schismatic incur automatic excommunication, a.k.a. latae
sententiae excommunication or ipso facto excommunication. Indeed,
canon 1364 reads: “An apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic
incurs a latae sententiae excommunication …” Canon 751 defines these
three crimes: “Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after Baptism
of a truth which must be believed by divine and Catholic faith. Apostasy is the
total repudiation of the Christian faith. Schism is the withdrawal of
submission to the Supreme Pontiff or from communion with the members of
the Church subject to him.” In any case, according to the ancient
tradition of the Catholic Church, it is the duty of every Bishop,
Archbishop, Primate or Metropolitan hunt down and excommunicate all heretics that,
in a diabolical way, seek to destroy the holy Church of Christ.
Turning Our thoughts and Our solicitude first of
all to you, Beloved Sons, of whose constant and devoted good will we have
ever received such illustrious testimony, We vigorously exhort you to guard
zealously against their frauds and snares. Furthermore, lest We should
appear to betray Our office, being faithful to the examples of the True Old
Roman Catholic Bishops (namely Abps Arnold Harris Mathew, Rudolph de Landas
Berghes, Carmel Henry Carfora, Richard Arthur Marchenna ,Gerard George Shelley,
Federick Linale, Robert Butler, Ronald-George Septoe etc.), We hereby
excommunicate the above-named Jerome Lloyd (a.k.a. Jeremy Cave) and
Douglas Lewins and we hereby anathematize, and solemnly command and declare
them to be separated from the communion of the Old Roman Catholic Church and to
be held for schismatics, and to be avoided by all Old Roman Catholics as
To the deposed Archbishops Jerome Lloyd (a.k.a. Jeremy
Cave) and Douglas Lewins, and to all those who follow them, who teach that
those who fall into heresy are still part of the Church of Christ, and
that their mysteries are grace-filled, and who teach that the Church of Christ
has not the Three Fundamental Dogmas of The Immaculate Conception, Papal
Infallibility ex cathedra in morals and dogma and the Assumption of The
Theokos into Heavenly Glory--and thus maintain that the holy body of
Christ not only can be divided and but also be infected with the disease
of falsehood, who oppose the holy Apostle Paul who says that the holy Church is
a “glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such things [Eph.
V, XXVII],” and who commune heretics and have therefore succumbed to the
heresy of modernist Old catholicism,
We exhort you also, Beloved Sons, to join your fervent
prayers to Ours, beseeching God that He deign mercifully to lead back to
the sheepfold of Christ and the port of salvation these unhappily errant
Given at Thessaloniki, at Our Episcopal Cathedral, under Our Metropolitan Ring, the third day of November, 2013, Dominica IV quae superfuit Post Epiphaniam I. Novembris.
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